KRE - Kase Real Estate
KRE stands for Kase Real Estate
Here you will find, what does KRE stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Kase Real Estate? Kase Real Estate can be abbreviated as KRE What does KRE stand for? KRE stands for Kase Real Estate. What does Kase Real Estate mean?The United States based company is located in Long Beach, California engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of KRE
- Cost of Retained Earnings
- Kirundo, Burundi
- Kirundo airport
- Kwamon Refugee Education
- Krueger Real Estate
- Kennedy Real Estate
- Kessinger Real Estate
View 36 other definitions of KRE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- KFH Kings Fish House
- KWPCMC Keller Williams Plymouth Canton Market Center
- KCKFD Kansas City Kansas Fire Dept
- KAL Kenya Airways Limited
- KMG Korman Marketing Group
- KACS Kipp Ascend Charter School
- KC The Kuester Companies
- KG The Karma Group
- KSTC Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation
- KPBPL KP Building Products Ltd.
- KC King and Country
- KSPL Kookaburra Sport Pty Limited
- KAI King Automation Inc
- KFV Kitchen Fair de Venezuela
- KPUM Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
- KIS Kinetic Innovative Staffing
- KSSL Knights and Sons Security Ltd
- KKICL Kirk Key Interlock Company LLC
- KSS Kansas Secretary of State
- KITO Kick IT Out