KRE - Krueger Real Estate
KRE stands for Krueger Real Estate
Here you will find, what does KRE stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Krueger Real Estate? Krueger Real Estate can be abbreviated as KRE What does KRE stand for? KRE stands for Krueger Real Estate. What does Krueger Real Estate mean?The United States based company is located in Houston, Texas engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of KRE
- Cost of Retained Earnings
- Kirundo, Burundi
- Kirundo airport
- Kwamon Refugee Education
- Kase Real Estate
- Kennedy Real Estate
- Kessinger Real Estate
View 36 other definitions of KRE on the main acronym page
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- KPC Kingery Printing Company
- KSL Kinetic Solutions Ltd
- KWGN Keller Williams Greater Nassau
- KDCP KD College Prep
- KCI Ken Clark International
- KLPL Kitchen Language Pte Ltd
- KKR Kolkata Knight Riders
- KDIPA Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority
- KSRF Kenya Sugar Research Foundation
- KFSC Kids First Sports Center
- KCS Key Care and Support
- KEC Keystone Engineering Company
- KBG Kwame Building Group
- KCDL KC Distance Learning
- KIG Keyser Insurance Group
- KMU Khyber Medical University