MML - Meem Memory Ltd
MML stands for Meem Memory Ltd
Here you will find, what does MML stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Meem Memory Ltd? Meem Memory Ltd can be abbreviated as MML What does MML stand for? MML stands for Meem Memory Ltd. What does Meem Memory Ltd mean?Meem Memory Ltd is an expansion of MML
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Alternative definitions of MML
- Marshall, Minnesota USA
- Michigan Municipal League
- Mote Marine Laboratory
- Mote Marine Laboratory
- Mega Man Legends
- Mopar Mailing List
- Master Muscle List
- Master Muscle List
View 211 other definitions of MML on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- MMA Montgomery Medical Associates
- MHE Memorial Hospital East
- MDEI Modern Door and Equipment Inc
- MCRPG MCR Property Group
- MMI Modus Media International
- MMC Mountainside Medical Center
- MPL Megara Pty Ltd
- MIC Maison Insurance Company
- MA The Manor Academy
- MMTI Mansour Mining Technologies Inc.
- MEIL Mohan Exports India Ltd.
- MSP Mass State Police
- MBS Millennium Business Systems
- MCRL Mason Caplan Roti LLP
- MDS Mad Doc Software
- MOB Medical Office Brokers
- MRG Magellan Research Group
- MCC The Mary Campbell Center
- MOBS My Office Business Suites