VBF - Visual Batch File
VBF stands for Visual Batch File
Here you will find, what does VBF stand for in File Extension under Computing category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Visual Batch File? Visual Batch File can be abbreviated as VBF What does VBF stand for? VBF stands for Visual Batch File. What does Visual Batch File mean?Visual Batch File is an expansion of VBF
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Alternative definitions of VBF
- Virginia Bicycling Federation
- Valley Bible Fellowship
- Veterinary Benevolent Fund
- Van Bert Farms
- Verified Bug Fix
- Valley Baptist Fellowship
View 28 other definitions of VBF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- VBDA Video Buffer Drive Amplifier
- VBDFSL V. B. Desai Financial Services Ltd.
- VBDG Vpon Big Data Group
- VBE Vesa Bios Extension
- VBEC Vanilla Bean Event Catering
- VBED Vancouver- Burrard Electoral District
- VBEG Very Big Evil Grin
- VBEIPL VB Engineering India Pvt Ltd
- VBEMHS Viswa Bharathi English Medium High School
- VBEP Value Building Education Project
- VBF Virginia Bicycling Federation
- VBFC Village Bank and Trust Financial Corp.
- VBFD Virginia Beach Fire Department
- VBFH Virginia Beach Field House
- VBFR Virtual Buffer
- VBFS Virginia Beach Friends School
- VBG Very Big Grin
- VBGA Vandusen Botanical Garden Association
- VBGL Vassallo Builders Group Ltd