What does BIND stand for?
BIND have more than multiple meanings and one must understand the context of the text to pick out the correct definition of BIND. Out of its multiple usage, BIND can be used in any of the following field(s):
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All the possible full forms of BIND are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of BIND and its example usage.
BIND » Berkeley Internet Name Daemon Internet - Domain Name Advertisement: BIND » Berkely Internet Name Domain Internet - Internet BIND » Berkeley Internet Name Domain Computing - ComputingThe software was originally designed at the University of California Berkeley (UCB) in the early 1980s.
BIND » Biomolecular Interaction Network Database Medical - Laboratory BIND » Biomolecular Interaction Network Database Medical - Human Genome BIND » Berkeley Internet Name Daemon Computing - Computing BIND » Broken Internet Name Daemon Funny - Funny BIND » Boston I'm Not Dangerous Funny - Funny BIND » BIND Therapeutics, Inc. Business - NASDAQ Symbol BIND Therapeutics, Inc. is symbolized as BIND which falls under Health Care sector of Major Pharmaceuticals industry. Since its IPO listing from 2013 the market share of BIND has grew to $113.39 million till mid 2015.BIND » Broken Internet Name Daemon Funny - Funny Advertisement: BIND is a goofy abbreviation which stands for Broken Internet Name Daemon More full form of BIND
More full forms : BING BINGE BINGO BINHEX BINJIN BINP BIO-IT BIO What is the full form of BIND ? BIND can be expanded as Banque In.gdr SWhat does BIND mean? Meaning of BIND is Banque In.gdr S