What does BLOB stand for?
BLOB have more than multiple meanings and one must understand the context of the text to pick out the correct definition of BLOB. Out of its multiple usage, BLOB can be used in any of the following field(s):
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All the possible full forms of BLOB are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of BLOB and its example usage.
BLOB » Binary Large Object Academic & Science - Astronomy Advertisement:Blobs were originally just amorphous chunks of data invented by Jim Starkey at DEC, who describes them as "the thing that ate Cincinnati, Cleveland, or whatever" from "the 1958 Steve McQueen movie", referring to The Blob.
BLOB » Binary Large Object Computing - Computer Driver BLOB » Binary Large Object Computing - Computing BLOB » binary large object Military - Government binary large object term is used in military. BLOB » Biologically Liberated Organo Beasties Misc - BLOB » Binary Large Object BLOB Misc - BLOB » Binary Large Object Both Misc - BLOB » Bsd Leaves Others Behind Misc - BLOB » A Binary Large Object B Misc - BLOB » Basic Language Object Border Misc - Advertisement: More full form of BLOB
More full forms : BLOC BLOG BLOGCAST BLOOD BLOODS BLOOM BLOP BLOR BLOS What is the full form of BLOB ? BLOB can be expanded as Border Level Office BoundryWhat does BLOB mean? Meaning of BLOB is Border Level Office Boundry