What does CABD stand for?
CABD have more than multiple meanings and one must understand the context of the text to pick out the correct definition of CABD. Out of its multiple usage, CABD can be used in any of the following field(s):
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All the possible full forms of CABD are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of CABD and its example usage.
CABD » Cute As a Button Designs Business - Business Advertisement: CABD » Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo International - Spanish CABD » Colegio Adventista Bilingue de David International - Spanish CABD » Compagnie Atlantique des Bois et Dérivés International - French CABD » Community Action Blaby District Community - More full forms :CABE CABECA CABG CABGS CABH CABI CABIG CABINETS CABJ CABL What is the full form of CABD ? CABD can be expanded as Community Action Blaby DistrictWhat does CABD mean? Meaning of CABD is Community Action Blaby District