What does COLL stand for?
COLL have more than multiple meanings and one must understand the context of the text to pick out the correct definition of COLL. Out of its multiple usage, COLL can be used in any of the following field(s):
All the possible full forms of COLL are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of COLL and its example usage.
COLL » Collins Industries, Inc. Business - NASDAQ Symbol Advertisement: COLL » collated Academic & Science - LibraryCollation differs from classification in that classification is concerned with arranging information into logical categories, while collation is concerned with the ordering of items of information, usually based on the form of their identifiers.
COLL » COLLege Community - GenealogyIn the United States, "college" formally refers to a constituent part of a university, but generally "college" and "university" are used interchangeably, whereas in Ireland, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and other former and present Commonwealth nations, "college" may refer to a secondary or high school, a college of further education, a training institution that awards trade qualifications, or a constituent part of a university.
COLL » collecting Government - MilitaryThe most obvious way to categorise collections is by the type of objects collected.
COLL » Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. Business - NASDAQ Symbol Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. is symbolized as COLL which falls under Health Care sector of Major Pharmaceuticals industry. Since its IPO listing from 2015 the market share of COLL has grew to $385.83 million till mid 2015.coll » collection Military - Government collection term is used in military. COLL » collision Military - Government In military, collision is abbreviated as collision. COLL » Care One at Livingston LLC Medical - Organization COLL » Coastal Oil Logistics Ltd Industry - Logistics COLL » Caley Orthodontic Lab Ltd. Internet - Internet Advertisement:COLLAPSE COLLE COLLEAGUE COLLECT COLLOQ COLLOQUY COLOR COLOREGS COLORIMETRY COLREGS COLS COLT COLTAM COLTS What is the full form of COLL ? COLL can be expanded as Corners of Last LayerWhat does COLL mean? Meaning of COLL is Corners of Last Layer