What does GZT stand for?
GZT have more than multiple meanings and one must understand the context of the text to pick out the correct definition of GZT. Out of its multiple usage, GZT can be used in any of the following field(s):
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All the possible full forms of GZT are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of GZT and its example usage.
GZT » Oguzeli airport Regional - Regional Airport Code Advertisement: GZT is an IATA code of Oguzeli airport situated in Gaziantep in Turkey. GZT » Gazit-Globe Ltd. Business - NASDAQ Symbol Gazit-Globe Ltd. is symbolized as GZT which falls under Finance sector of Real Estate industry. Since its IPO listing from 2011 the market share of GZT has grew to $2.14 billion till mid 2015.GZT » Gaziantep, Turkey Regional - Regional Airport Code GZT » geh' zum teufel! International - German GZT » Ground Zero Team Organization - Non-Profit Organization More full forms :GMR GAIL GYA GPI GYE GPS GXQ GEL GRU GYN GIG GGS GHU GMP GAJ GNI GETINGLAR GAFT What is the full form of GZT ? GZT can be expanded as Ground Zero TeamWhat does GZT mean? Meaning of GZT is Ground Zero Team