What does LEN.B stand for?
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All the possible full forms of LEN.B are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of LEN.B and its example usage.
LEN.B » Lennar Corporation Business - NASDAQ Symbol Advertisement: Lennar Corporation is symbolized as LEN.B which falls under Basic Industries sector of Homebuilding industry. More full forms :LUK LVLT LXRX LXP LXP^C LXK LPL LGIH LGL LGL.WS LHCG LBY LBMH LBRDA LBRDK LBTYA LBTYB LBTYK What is the full form of LEN.B ? LEN.B can be expanded as Lennar CorporationWhat does LEN.B mean? Meaning of LEN.B is Lennar Corporation