What does LMNI stand for?
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All the possible full forms of LMNI are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of LMNI and its example usage.
LMNI » Leprosy Mission Northern Ireland Organization - Non-Governmental Organization Advertisement: LMNI stands for Leprosy Mission Northern Ireland NGO, located in Belfast, United Kingdom. More full forms :LMEWCIIM LR LCPSSFFS L LWT LPT LNS LCHR LHG LHRA LNGOISC LRC LSZ LGCIC LWT LLEMI LIRECF LMOC What is the full form of LMNI ? LMNI can be expanded as Leprosy Mission Northern IrelandWhat does LMNI mean? Meaning of LMNI is Leprosy Mission Northern Ireland