What does PTS-DOS stand for?
Find what does PTS-DOS stand for and its field of usage? PTS-DOS is used in the following field.
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All the possible full forms of PTS-DOS are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of PTS-DOS and its example usage.
PTS-DOS » PhysTechSoft - Disk Operating System Computing - Advertisement: More full forms :PXI Pbr Penia Peniaria Pntium Poe Pontus PP Pr Pror Ptur Ptus P Pa Pact Pasch Patr Pent What is the full form of PTS-DOS ? PTS-DOS can be expanded as PhysTechSoft - Disk Operating SystemWhat does PTS-DOS mean? Meaning of PTS-DOS is PhysTechSoft - Disk Operating System