
What does RFP stand for?

RFP have more than multiple meanings and one must understand the context of the text to pick out the correct definition of RFP. Out of its multiple usage, RFP can be used in any of the following field(s):

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All the possible full forms of RFP are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of RFP and its example usage.

RFP » Request For Proposal Business - Accounting Advertisement:

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Misc - Misc

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Academic & Science - Meteorology

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Government - Transportation

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Government - US Government

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Government - NASA

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Government - Military

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Academic & Science - University

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Government - FDA

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

RFP » Request For Proposal Government - Local State Advertisement:

The RFP presents preliminary requirements for the commodity or service, and may dictate to varying degrees the exact structure and format of the supplier's response.

More full form of RFP
More full forms :
RFPC RFPD RFPR RFPT RFR RFRA RFRS RFRTS RFS What is the full form of RFP ? RFP can be expanded as Request for PricingWhat does RFP mean? Meaning of RFP is Request for Pricing 

Acronyms: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z