What does RUH stand for?
RUH have more than multiple meanings and one must understand the context of the text to pick out the correct definition of RUH. Out of its multiple usage, RUH can be used in any of the following field(s):
All the possible full forms of RUH are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of RUH and its example usage.
RUH » Soul Misc - Advertisement:Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle understood the psyche (????) to be crowned with the logical faculty, the exercise of which was the most divine of human actions.
RUH » Russell- Hampton Company Business - Business Firm RUH » Royal University Hospital Medical - HospitalThe seven-storey, seven wing structure took eight years to construct and equip, costing the people of Saskatchewan over $13,000,000.
RUH » King Khaled International airport Regional - Regional Airport Code RUH is an IATA code of King Khaled International airport situated in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. RUH » Are You Horny Internet - Internet Slang RUH is a slang used over the internet to refer Are You HornyRUH » Rockefeller University Hospital Medical - Hospital Rockefeller University Hospital is situated in New York in New York in USA. RUH » Rosthern Union Hospital Medical - Hospital Rosthern Union Hospital is located in Rosthern, SK, Canada. RUH » Royal University Hospital Medical - Hospital Royal University Hospital is located in Saskatoon, Canada. RUH » Royal United Hospital Medical - Hospital Royal United Hospital is located in Bath, Avon, UK. RUH » Robot Underfloor Heating Industry - Construction Advertisement:RUI RUID RUIM RUIN RUISHAN RUJ RUK RUL RULA What is the full form of RUH ? RUH can be expanded as University of RuhunaWhat does RUH mean? Meaning of RUH is University of Ruhuna