
What does TAVSLTD stand for?

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All the possible full forms of TAVSLTD are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of TAVSLTD and its example usage.

TAVSLTD » The Anuradhapura Vivekananda Society LTD. Organization - Non-Governmental Organization Advertisement: NGO The Anuradhapura Vivekananda Society LTD. may be abbreviated as TAVSLTD which is located in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. More full forms :
TCDPS TCFDA TCDPA TC TCO TCTET TCF TDAEC TDT TEOI TESF TEUSHA TE TESWA TE TECUC TFF TGF What is the full form of TAVSLTD ? TAVSLTD can be expanded as The Anuradhapura Vivekananda Society LTD.What does TAVSLTD mean? Meaning of TAVSLTD is The Anuradhapura Vivekananda Society LTD. 

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