What does VCOPIL stand for?
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All the possible full forms of VCOPIL are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of VCOPIL and its example usage.
VCOPIL » Volunteer Center, Oak Park, IL Organization - Non-Governmental Organization Advertisement: NGO Volunteer Center, Oak Park, IL may be abbreviated as VCOPIL which is located in Oakpark, United States. More full forms :VCMT VCTB VCCBM VCG/USA VCR VCB VCFNC VEF VEMSI VESCCC VF VGT VHR VHC VJI VL VLSPBASF VLD What is the full form of VCOPIL ? VCOPIL can be expanded as Volunteer Center, Oak Park, ILWhat does VCOPIL mean? Meaning of VCOPIL is Volunteer Center, Oak Park, IL