What does WOOF stand for?
WOOF have more than multiple meanings and one must understand the context of the text to pick out the correct definition of WOOF. Out of its multiple usage, WOOF can be used in any of the following field(s):
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All the possible full forms of WOOF are provided below with meaning and definition. User can also visit each expanded form to read detailed definition of WOOF and its example usage.
WOOF » AM-560, FM-99.7, Dothan, Alabama Media - Radio Station Advertisement: WOOF » Worldcon Order Of Faneditors Internet - Internet Slang WOOF » VCA Inc. Business - NASDAQ Symbol VCA Inc. is symbolized as WOOF which falls under Consumer Non-Durables sector of Farming/Seeds/Milling industry. Since its IPO listing from 2001 the market share of WOOF has grew to $4.65 billion till mid 2015.WOOF » Worldcon Order Of Faneditors Internet - Internet Slang Worldcon Order Of Faneditors is an abbreviation of slang WOOF over the internetWOOF » Willing Workers On Organic Farms Organization - Non-Governmental Organization Willing Workers On Organic Farmsis a NGO based in W Tree via Buchan in Vic in Australia. WOOF » VCA Antech Inc. Misc - WOOF » Wild Oratic Ornication Fettuccine Food - More full forms :WOOM WOOSHO WOOT WOOX WOP WOPA WOPB WOPC WOPD WOPF WOPH WOPK WOPM What is the full form of WOOF ? WOOF can be expanded as Wild Oratic Ornication FettuccineWhat does WOOF mean? Meaning of WOOF is Wild Oratic Ornication Fettuccine