al - alibi
al stands for alibi
Here you will find, what does al stand for in Ecclesiastical under Religion category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate alibi? alibi can be abbreviated as al What does al stand for? al stands for alibi. What does alibi mean?alibi is an expansion of al
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Alternative definitions of al
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- al alias
- AM Artium Magister
- An Annus
- Ann Anni
- Ana Antiphon
- Ant Antiphon
- Apost Apostolus
- Ap Sed Apostolica Sedes
- Ap Sed Leg Apostolicae Sedis Legatus
- Archiep Archiepiscopus
- Archid Archidiaconus
- Archiprb Archipresbyter
- ARS Anno Reparatae Salutis
- AU Alma Urbs
- Authen Authentica
- Aux Auxilium, Auxilio
- AD Ante Diem
- AQIC Anima Quiescat In Christo
- AA Augustiniani Assumptionis
- ABA Antoniani Benedictini Armeni