BBASS stands for BBASS
Here you will find, what does BBASS stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate BBASS? BBASS can be abbreviated as BBASS What does BBASS stand for? BBASS stands for BBASS. What does BBASS mean?BBASS is an expansion of BBASS
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- BCHRO Bengal Commonwealth Human Right Organization
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- BDAVP Bert Digital Audio Visual Productions
- BHI Best Hands International
- BEARC Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre.
- BCAMRC Bethesda CAM Research Center
- BLSO Better Life Social Organization
- BLT Better Life Trust
- B Beyond the life
- BCT Bhagavatula Charitable Trust
- BSS Bharat Sevashram Sangha
- BASS Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi
- BYASWA Bharathy Youth and Social Welfare Association
- BJS Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana
- BMVS Bharatiya Mahila Vikas Sanstha