C - Catch
C stands for Catch
Here you will find, what does C stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Catch? Catch can be abbreviated as C What does C stand for? C stands for Catch. What does Catch mean?Catch is an expansion of C
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Alternative definitions of C
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CAFOD Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
- CBI Catholic Blind Institute
- CCDL Catholic Care Diocese of Leeds
- CCL Catholic Central Library
- CCRSDSI Catholic Children's Rescue Society Diocese of Salford Incorporated
- CCSA&BPSD Catholic Children's Society Arundel & Brighton, Portsmouth and Southwark Dioceses
- CCSP Catholic Children's Society Plymouth
- CCSRCDN Catholic Childrens Society RC Diocese of Nottingham
- CES Catholic Education Service
- CIIR Catholic Institute for International Relations
- CMCL Catholic Marriage Care Limited
- CWSDSL Catholic Welfare Societies Diocese of Salford Ltd
- CCTT Caudwell Charitable Trust, The
- CIFHE Causeway Institute of Further and Higher Education
- CWCFT Cave Wilfrid and Constance Foundation, The
- CSCTL Cavendish School Charitable Trust Ltd
- CCPL CC Publishing Limited
- CFT Cedar Foundation, The
- CHAT Celia Hammond Animal Trust
- CC Celtic Congress