F - Frameline
F stands for Frameline
Here you will find, what does F stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Frameline? Frameline can be abbreviated as F What does F stand for? F stands for Frameline. What does Frameline mean?Frameline is an expansion of F
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Alternative definitions of F
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FEF Framingham Education Foundation
- FCP Francestown Community Preschool
- FHS Francis House of Sacramento
- FJCNTC Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center
- FOSF Francis Ouimet Scholarship Fund
- FPMPSBC Francis Point Marine Park Society of BC
- FFA Franciscan Friars Atonement
- FHCBM Franciscan Hospital for Children of Boston, Massachusetts
- FOA Franciscan Outreach Association
- FSP Franciscan Sisters of the Poor
- FSPF Franciscan Sisters of the Poor Foundation
- FWJS Franciscan Workers of Junipero Serra
- FI Franciscans International
- FIUS Franciscans International, United States
- FXBCHHR Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
- FDLRC Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center
- FERI Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute