FAK. - FaküLte
FAK. stands for FaküLte
Here you will find, what does FAK. stand for in Turkish under International category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate FaküLte? FaküLte can be abbreviated as FAK. What does FAK. stand for? FAK. stands for FaküLte. What does FaküLte mean?FaküLte is an expansion of FAK.
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Alternative definitions of FAK.
- Focal Adhesion Kinase
- Freight All Kinds
- Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge
- Fidelity Advisor Korea Fund
- Frederick Allen King
- FaküLte
- First Aid Kit
View 10 other definitions of FAK. on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FAOR Olifants River Bridge airport
- FA/A functional analysis/allocation
- FAOS Oshakati, Namibia
- FAOSPL First Advantage Offshore Services Private Limited
- FAOT Ottosdal airport
- FAOU Operet airport
- FAOUN Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- FAOUNOSA Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Office in Saudi Arabia
- FAOV Otavi airport
- FAOW Otjiwarongo airport
- FAOY Orkney airport
- FAP Family Assistance Plan
- FAPA Future Airline Pilots of America
- FAPAOCI Foster and Adoptive Parents Association of Oneida County Inc.
- FAPAS Frankston and Peninsula Airport Shuttle
- FAPB Factory Point Bancorp, Inc.
- FAPC Food Animal Practitioners Club (Virginia- Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine)
- FAPCAS Failure Analysis and Preventive/Corrective Action System
- FAPCCI Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- FAPD Pofadder airport