FUNGI - Fungal
FUNGI stands for Fungal
Here you will find, what does FUNGI stand for in Misc.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fungal? Fungal can be abbreviated as FUNGI What does FUNGI stand for? FUNGI stands for Fungal. What does Fungal mean?Fungal is an expansion of FUNGI
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Alternative definitions of FUNGI
View 3 other definitions of FUNGI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FUNGI Fungus
- FUNI Frame (relay) User Network Interface
- FUNIDE Fundación Integral de Desarollo
- FUNK funky
- FUNOPS Functional Operational Testing
- FUNORSO Fundación de Orientación Social
- FUNTEC Fundación Tecnológica
- FUNW Littlefield Adams & Company
- FUO Fever Of Undetermined Origin
- FUP Freshman Urban Program