G - Good
G stands for Good
Here you will find, what does G stand for in University under Academic & Science category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Good? Good can be abbreviated as G What does G stand for? G stands for Good. What does Good mean?Good is an expansion of G
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GAAE Georgia Association of Alternative Educators
- GAAF Graduate Assistant Appointment Form
- GAAFR Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting
- GAAG gross actual generation
- GAAIASA Georgia Association of American Industrial Arts Student Association
- GAAIT Global Accounting and Auditing Information Tool
- GAAL Gulf Advantage Automobile LLC
- GAALI Golden Age Arabic Language Institute
- GAAM Guinness Atkinson Asset Management
- GAAML Guardian Acuity Asset Management Limited
- GAAMS Guitar Art Academy Music School
- GAAO Ansongo airport
- GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Practices
- GAAPN Global Alliance Against Poverty Nepal
- GAAR General Anti-Avoidance Rule
- GAAS Gallium Arsenide
- GAAT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GAB Gabbs, Nevada USA
- GAB%20P Gabelli Equity Trust, Inc. Preferred
- GAB. Great American Bash