H - Horace
H stands for Horace
Here you will find, what does H stand for in Misc.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Horace? Horace can be abbreviated as H What does H stand for? H stands for Horace. What does Horace mean?Horace is an expansion of H
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- H4R High 4 Records
- H4V Hemp 4 Victory
- H4Y Hope 4 Youth
- H4YI Homes 4 You Inc
- H6000 Honeywell 6000 Series Computers
- H69C73M74 Blue Eagle
- H6D Household 6 Designs
- H6I Hack the 6Ix
- H700 Honeywell 700 minicomputer
- H71 MID- AMERICA Industrial Airport,Pryor, Oklahoma
- H73 TAHLEQUAH Municipal Airport, Tahlequah, Oklahoma
- H8 Hate
- H88 Fredericktown Municipal Airport, Fredericktown, Missouri USA
- H8M Hard 8 Management
- H8P Hangar 8 PLC
- H8TBU Hate To Be You
- H8Y Hot 8 Yoga
- H9O Hospital 9 de Octubre
- HA Headache
- HA&G Hughson Arboretum & Garden