HN - HomeoNet
HN stands for HomeoNet
Here you will find, what does HN stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate HomeoNet? HomeoNet can be abbreviated as HN What does HN stand for? HN stands for HomeoNet. What does HomeoNet mean?HomeoNet is an expansion of HN
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Alternative definitions of HN
View 92 other definitions of HN on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HF Homes for Families
- HH Homes for the Homeless
- HFO HomesFirstOrg
- HSV HomeShare Vermont
- HSI HomeStart, Inc.
- HCLT Homestead Community Land Trust
- HI Homestretch, Inc.
- H Homeward
- HBI Homeward Bound, Inc.
- HP Homewaters Project
- HI Homewise, Inc
- HC Homework Central
- HYF Homeys Youth Foundation
- HK Homez4Kidz
- HC Honduras Children
- HRE Honduras Relief Effort
- HR
- HFCC Honeysuckle Foundation for Children with Cancer
- HTY Honolulu Theatre for Youth
- HONOR Honor Our Neighbors' Origins and Rights