LUPE stands for L.U.P.E.
Here you will find, what does LUPE stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate L.U.P.E.? L.U.P.E. can be abbreviated as LUPE What does LUPE stand for? LUPE stands for L.U.P.E.. What does L.U.P.E. mean?L.U.P.E. is an expansion of LUPE
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- LAHI La Alianza Hispana, Inc.
- LCR La Casa de la Raza
- LCMSF La Casa de las Madres, San Francisco
- LCM La Casa de Maria
- LCN La Casa Norte
- LCLR La Clinica de La Raza
- LC La Cocina
- LCA La Conexion Afrolatina
- LE La Esperanza
- LJFS La Jolla Friends of the Seals
- LLLI La Leche League International
- LLASLM La Linea de Ayuda of St. Louis, Missouri
- LLNMC La Lutta New Media Collective
- LMO La Mujer Obrera
- LOIMMN La Oportunidad, Inc., Minneapolis, MN
- LPCC La Peña Cultural Center
- LPSISF La Piccola Scuola Italiana di San Francisco
- LPN La Pocha Nostra
- LPAS La Purisima Audubon Society