MEDA - military emergency diversion airfield
MEDA stands for military emergency diversion airfield
Here you will find, what does MEDA stand for in Government under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate military emergency diversion airfield? military emergency diversion airfield can be abbreviated as MEDA What does MEDA stand for? MEDA stands for military emergency diversion airfield. What does military emergency diversion airfield mean?military emergency diversion airfield is an expansion of MEDA
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Alternative definitions of MEDA
- Mennonite Economic Development Associates
- Mission Economic Development Agency
- Michigan Economic Developers Association
- Maharashtra Energy Development Agency
- Missouri Eating Disorders Association
- Maintenance Error Decision Aid
- Mḗda
View 15 other definitions of MEDA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- MEDAL Micromechanized Engineering Data for Automated Logistics
- MEDALS military engineering data asset locator system
- MEDAX message data exchange terminal
- MEDBLOOD medical blood
- MEDCAP medical civic action program
- MEDCASE medical care support equipment
- MEDCEN United States Army Medical Center
- MEDCOM Medical Command