OA - Overall
OA stands for Overall
Here you will find, what does OA stand for in Military under Government category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Overall? Overall can be abbreviated as OA What does OA stand for? OA stands for Overall. What does Overall mean?Overall is an expansion of OA
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Alternative definitions of OA
View 163 other definitions of OA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- OALT Operational Acceptable Level of Traffic
- OAM Operation And Maintenance
- OAM&P Operations, Administration, Maintenance
- OAMA Oklahoma Association of Municipal Attorneys
- OAMC Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College
- OAME Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs
- OAMGI The Oasis Asset Management Group Inc.
- OAMI One Accord Ministry Inc.
- OAMK Mukur airport
- OAML Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library
- OAMN Maimana, Afghanistan
- OAMO orientation averaged molecular orbital
- OAMP Oregon Association Of Mounted Posses
- OAMS Mazar I Sharif airport
- OAMT Munta airport
- OAN Owner Applied Number
- OANA Orange Advertising Network Americas
- OANBC Once Again Nut Butter Collective
- OAND Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors