S - Scholarly
S stands for Scholarly
Here you will find, what does S stand for in University under Academic & Science category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Scholarly? Scholarly can be abbreviated as S What does S stand for? S stands for Scholarly. What does Scholarly mean?Scholarly is an expansion of S
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SAGA Send All Grannies Away
- SAGA-3 Third Soviet- American Gas and Aerosol Agreement
- SAGA/SAYC SAGA/Serve Alaska Youth Corps
- SAGAR Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural
- SAGAS Seattle Area German American School
- SAGB Step Aside Gear Box (see IGB)
- SAGCB Screen Actors Guild Chicago Branch
- SAGCCL Saudi Abv General Contractors Company Limited
- SAGCE The South African Gold Coin Exchange
- SAGD security architecture guidance and directions
- SAGDA South African Graduates Development Association
- SAGE Savings And Growth For Education
- SAGE-II Stratospheric Aerosol Gas Experiment
- SAGEE Solomon Alliance Group Inc.
- SAGEI Standing Against Global Exploitation Incorporated
- SAGEM SAG Event Management
- SAGFIL SAG Fashion International Ltd.
- SAGFS SAG France Sas
- SAGGE SIM Agriculture Products