S - Solidaridad
S stands for Solidaridad
Here you will find, what does S stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Solidaridad? Solidaridad can be abbreviated as S What does S stand for? S stands for Solidaridad. What does Solidaridad mean?Solidaridad is an expansion of S
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Alternative definitions of S
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SNSNIDACSFL South North Sur Norte Inversin y Desarrollo Asociacin Civil Sin Fines de Lucro
- SA Spirit of the Andes
- SB Sustainable Bolivia
- SUL Associacao para a Cooperacao e Desenvolvimento
- Somascan Fathers Clerics Regular of Somasca
- Spiritans Congregation of the Holy Spirit
- SSC Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary and Perpetual Adoration
- Salesian Sisters Daugthers of Mary Help of Christians
- Sacred Heart Brothers Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart
- S.M.E. Regional Development Agency
- SAYPS Scientific Association of Young Political Scientists
- SIZKS Seg Institut Za Klimatske Spremembe
- SSL Sentidos e Sensações Lisbon
- SDSSS Shoqata Didaktike Shkencore Speleologjike Shqiptare
- SHS Shoqata e Higjienisteve te Shqiperise
- SMGUS Shoqata e Mbrojtjes se Gjallesave Ujore te Shqiperise
- SMNS Shoqata Mbrojtesit e Natyres te Shqiperise
- SSB Shoqata Shqiptare e Biologeve
- SSEI Shoqata Shqiptare e Ekologjise Industriale
- SSMR Shoqata Shqiptare e Mbrojtjes nga Rrezatimet