S - Spurthi
S stands for Spurthi
Here you will find, what does S stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Spurthi? Spurthi can be abbreviated as S What does S stand for? S stands for Spurthi. What does Spurthi mean?Spurthi is an expansion of S
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Alternative definitions of S
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SCT Sradhanjali Charitable Trust
- SSS Srajal Seva Samiti
- SBGVS Sreekrushna Bahuudheshiya Gramin Vikas Sanstha
- SGRCT Sri Guru Raghavendra Charitable Trust
- SUNFO Sri Lanka - United Nations Friendship Organization
- SLUNFO Sri Lanka-United Nations Friendship Organisation
- SUNFO Sri Lanka-United Nations Friendship Organisation
- SMCDO Sri Meghawarna Community Development Organization
- SRMT Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust
- SSBM Sri Sri Babaji Mission
- SF Srimangal Foundation
- SWS Sristy Welfare Society
- ST Sruthi Trust
- SGSS Srvodaya Grama Sevak Sangh
- SSF SS Foundation
- Saurabh Shiksha Avam Samaj Kalyan Samiti SSASKS
- SSDNVEF SSDN Virtual Educational Foundation
- SSSKDJS SSSK Deena Jana Sevashramam
- SAF St. Anthony's Foundation