S - ngoShare
S stands for ngoShare
Here you will find, what does S stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate ngoShare? ngoShare can be abbreviated as S What does S stand for? S stands for ngoShare. What does ngoShare mean?ngoShare is an expansion of S
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Alternative definitions of S
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SLS Sabathani Life Skills
- SMDRC Sabbath Memorial Dog Rescue Center
- SCF Sabin Children's Foundation
- SF Sacatar Foundation
- SCYSLINY Sachem Community Youth Services of Long Island, NY
- SACORN Sacramento ACORN
- SACT Sacramento ACT
- SACC Sacramento African Cultural Center
- SAEDN Sacramento Area Earth Day Network
- SCCSC Sacramento Chinese Communtiy Service Center
- SCYC Sacramento City Youth Commission
- SCCRI Sacramento Clinicians Christian Registry Inc.
- SCHI Sacramento Cottage Housing Inc.
- SCN Sacramento Crisis Nursery
- SFBS Sacramento Food Bank Services