SAMJ - Jachal airport
SAMJ stands for Jachal airport
Here you will find, what does SAMJ stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Jachal airport? Jachal airport can be abbreviated as SAMJ What does SAMJ stand for? SAMJ stands for Jachal airport. What does Jachal airport mean?Jachal airport is an expansion of SAMJ
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Alternative definitions of SAMJ
View 4 other definitions of SAMJ on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SAMI San Martin airport
- SAMH Valle Hermoso airport
- SAME El Plumerillo airport
- SAMC Cristo Redentor airport
- SAMA Gral Alvear airport
- SAHR General Roca airport
- SAHC Chos Malal airport
- SAFE Santa Fe airport
- SADZ Matanza airport
- SADS Aeroclub Argentino airport
- SADR Merlo airport
- SADQ Quilmes airport
- SADP El Palomar airport
- SADM Moron airport
- SADL La Plata airport
- SADJ Mariano Moreno airport
- SADG Monte Grande airport
- SADF San Fernando airport
- SADD Don Torcuato airport
- SACV Villa Maria D.Rio Seco airport