SC - Serbo-Croatian
SC stands for Serbo-Croatian
Here you will find, what does SC stand for in Academic & Science.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Serbo-Croatian? Serbo-Croatian can be abbreviated as SC What does SC stand for? SC stands for Serbo-Croatian. What does Serbo-Croatian mean?Serbo-Croatian is an expansion of SC
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Alternative definitions of SC
View 766 other definitions of SC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SEM semantic component
- SF semantic structure
- SG singular
- SHA Spec-Head agreement
- SLQZ San Lucas Quiavini Zapotec
- SM sensorimotor
- SMC Shortest Move Constraint
- SMT Strong Minimalist Thesis
- SO syntactic object
- Spec specifier
- SS surface structure
- S-Structure surface structure
- SSOs scope-shifting operations
- SUT Strong Uniformity Thesis
- SYN Syntax
- S sacral
- S-A sino-atrial
- S1 lst heart sound
- S2 2nd heart sound
- S3 3rd heart sound