SGNA - Nueva Asuncion airport
SGNA stands for Nueva Asuncion airport
Here you will find, what does SGNA stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Nueva Asuncion airport? Nueva Asuncion airport can be abbreviated as SGNA What does SGNA stand for? SGNA stands for Nueva Asuncion airport. What does Nueva Asuncion airport mean?Nueva Asuncion airport is an expansion of SGNA
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Alternative definitions of SGNA
View 3 other definitions of SGNA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SGME Dr Luis Maria Argana International airport
- SGLV La Victoria airport
- SGIB Itaipu airport
- SGGR Salto Del Guaira airport
- SGFI Filadelfia airport
- SGEN Encarnacion airport
- SGCO Teniente Col Carmelo Peralta airport
- SGAY Juan De Ayolas airport
- SGAS Silvio Pettirossi International airport
- SFAL Stanley airport
- SEZP Zumba-Pucupamba airport
- SEZA Zamora airport
- SEYA Yaupi airport
- SEVR El Vergel airport
- SEVI Villano airport
- SEVC La Victoria airport
- SETU El Rosal Teniente Mantilla airport
- SETT Teniente Ortiz airport
- SETR Tarapoa airport
- SETO Pacto airport