T - Techfortrade
T stands for Techfortrade
Here you will find, what does T stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Techfortrade? Techfortrade can be abbreviated as T What does T stand for? T stands for Techfortrade. What does Techfortrade mean?Techfortrade is an expansion of T
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Alternative definitions of T
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- T Techniquest
- TCUK Teen Challenge, UK
- TVA Tees Valley Arts
- THCF Teesside Hospice Care Foundation
- TPA Teesside Positive Action
- TCC Telford Christian Council
- TEC Temple Ecclesiastical Charity
- TECT Templeton Education and Charity Trust
- TRCLT Tenterden Railway Company Limited, The
- TVB Test Valley Brass
- TCCFT Textile Conservation Centre Foundation, The
- TICT Textile Industry Children's Trust
- TIT Textile Institute, The
- TRA&ID Textile Recycling for Aid & International Development
- TRAID Textile Recycling for Aid and International Development
- TFFTFPFR TFF Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
- TAA Thame Agricultural Association
- TCF Thames Community Foundation
- TVAPA Thames Valley Adventure Playground Association
- TVHT Thames Valley Hospice, The