V - Vers
V stands for Vers
Here you will find, what does V stand for in German under International category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Vers? Vers can be abbreviated as V What does V stand for? V stands for Vers. What does Vers mean?Vers is an expansion of V
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Alternative definitions of V
View 146 other definitions of V on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- VABMB VA Baptist Mission Board
- VABO Vadodara airport
- VABP Bhopal, India
- VABR Venice Area Board of Realtors
- VABS VA Business Solutions
- VABSI VAB Solutions Inc.
- VABSJPD Veterans Affairs Boston System - Jamaica Plain Division
- VABT Valencia Bank and Trust
- VABV Bhavnagar airport
- VABVA VA Board of Veterans Appeals
- VAC Vacuum Assisted Closure
- VACA VA Consult As
- VACAII VAC Aero International Inc.
- VACATE Vacating
- VACB Volunteers of America Colorado Branch
- VACBC Voluntary Action Center of Boone County
- VACBI Video and Computer Based Instruction
- VACC Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce
- VACCA Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency