V - Vida
V stands for Vida
Here you will find, what does V stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Vida? Vida can be abbreviated as V What does V stand for? V stands for Vida. What does Vida mean?Vida is an expansion of V
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Alternative definitions of V
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- VCCM Vientos Culturales, Chiapas, Mexico
- VP Volunteer, Peten
- V/ACTSYIN 2V/ACT, originally known as Seattle Youth Involvement Network
- V 826 Valencia
- Virginia CURE Citizens United for Rehabilitation Errants-Virginia
- VISTA Cornell Public Service Center-AmeriCorps
- Virginia Fairfax County
- Volunteer Holmdel NJ First Aid and Rescue Squad
- Virginia League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area
- VISTA New York Community HealthCorps
- VISIONS Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- VISTA project University of North Texas Center for Public Service AmeriCorps
- V/RHB:C&PI V/RHB: Community & Public Involvement
- VAL Vacaville Art League
- VLCHH Valdosta-Lowndes County Habitat for Humanity
- VALEH VALE Hospice international
- VCETI Vallecitos Center for Employment Training Inc.
- VMRTNM Vallecitos Mountain Refuge, Taos, New Mexico
- VCM Valley Children's Museum
- VCC Valley Cultural Center