W - Word
W stands for Word
Here you will find, what does W stand for in Religious under Religion category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Word? Word can be abbreviated as W What does W stand for? W stands for Word. What does Word mean?Word is an expansion of W
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Alternative definitions of W
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- W08BV Former LPTV-8, Columbus, Ohio
- W09BA LPTV-9, Felch, Michigan
- W0JH 3M Club of St. Paul, Minnesota, Amateur Radio Club
- W10TDG West 10Th Dental Group
- W13BH former LPTV-13, St. Ignace, Michigan
- W18CU LPTV-18, Sister Bay, Michigan
- W1AW Amateur radio call sign (not an acronym)
- W1DP Wow 1 Day Painting
- W1DSI Waste 1 Disposal Services Inc.
- W1G Whole in 1 Golf
- W1P West 1 Physiotherapy
- W1S Ward 1 Studios
- W1SS West 1 Students Services
- W1W Wheel 1 Warehouse
- W2 Internal Revenue Service Income statement form
- W201AX LPFM-88.1, Fremont, Ohio
- W202AR LPFM-88.3, Newburgh, New York (WLJP translator)
- W205AJ LPFM-88.9, Oneonta, New York
- W206AW LPFM-89.1, Pawling, New York (WFGB translator)
- W217BI LPFM-91.3, Cincinnati, Ohio