G - Gedakina
G stands for Gedakina
Here you will find, what does G stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Gedakina? Gedakina can be abbreviated as G What does G stand for? G stands for Gedakina. What does Gedakina mean?Gedakina is an expansion of G
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Alternative definitions of G
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GF Gede Foundation
- GYSI Gem Youth Services Inc.
- GASF Gen Art San Francisco
- GBFMS General Baptist Foreign Mission Society
- GBCS General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
- GBGM-UMC General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church
- GBGMUMC General Board of Global Ministries the United Methodist Church
- GCRAM General Chapter of Royal Arch Masons
- GCMC General Conference Mennonite Church
- GCSDA General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists
- GCMEA General Consulate of Moroccan Empire in America
- GCSYMCA General Convention of Sioux YMCAs
- GCAG General Council of the Assemblies of God
- GES General Employment of Seattle
- GFWC General Federation of Women's Clubs
- GGCOES General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
- GRID Alternatives Generating Renewable Ideas for Development Alternatives
- GFSF Generation Five in San Francisco
- GNNSHSSP Generation Next - North Shore High School Senior Program
- GXC Generation X-Cel