H - Hodi
H stands for Hodi
Here you will find, what does H stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hodi? Hodi can be abbreviated as H What does H stand for? H stands for Hodi. What does Hodi mean?Hodi is an expansion of H
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Alternative definitions of H
View 229 other definitions of H on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HPONGO Homeless Persons Organization [N.G.O ]
- HAGEP Hope Alive Girls Empowerment Program
- HAMU Hope Alive Ministries, Uganda
- HCC Hope Community Center
- HDV Hope Development Volunteers
- HFNCAU Hope For Needy Children Africa Uganda
- HDPFHDPF Hope for the Destitute People's Foundation - H.D.P.F
- HH Hope for the Hopeless
- HFYU Hope for Youth - Uganda
- HFERRA Hope Foundation Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation Aency
- HL Hope Link
- HCNF Hope to Childrens Network Foundation
- HORNWATCH Horn of Africa Human Rights Watch Committe