H - Homebase
H stands for Homebase
Here you will find, what does H stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Homebase? Homebase can be abbreviated as H What does H stand for? H stands for Homebase. What does Homebase mean?Homebase is an expansion of H
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Alternative definitions of H
View 229 other definitions of H on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HBYS HomeBase Youth Services
- HFMCNJ HomeFront - Mercer County, NJ
- HII Homeland International Inc.
- HSF Homeland Security Foundation
- HAC Homeless Action Center
- HAP Homeless Advocacy Project
- HHCK Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky
- HEPI Homeless Emergency Project, Inc.
- HEP Homeless Empowerment Project
- HGP Homeless Garden Project
- HOA Homeless Organization of America
- HPP Homeless Prenatal Program
- HOPP Homelessness Outreach and Prevention Project
- HN HomeoNet
- HF Homes for Families
- HH Homes for the Homeless
- HFO HomesFirstOrg
- HSV HomeShare Vermont
- HSI HomeStart, Inc.
- HCLT Homestead Community Land Trust